Renee’ Mitchell – The Health Nut

Being the daughter of a game ranger of parks like Umfolozi and Hluhlwe, Renee’ grew up in the bush.  So, although unusual for a woman, Renee’ became a professional hunter, hunting all over Southern Africa while still in her twenties.  Her studies, Environmental Science, seemed a logical fit for this passion.

But Renee’ had always had an interest in nutrition and so, seven years ago opened up the Health Nut.  It started small, with just some nuts, seeds oats and teas.  Business literally just trickled in, it being ‘touch and go’ for a long time before the business became established.  Since then however it has grown enormously, now being the largest shop of it’s kind in KZN.

Backing up her on-the-job experience, Renee’ studied clinical nutrition through an Australian institute and she’s now reading a diploma Naturaopathic Nutrition.  For, as she says, the field is a dynamic one, (currently the fastest growing in the world), and new stuff is coming out all the time.  And indeed thanks to ‘Dr Google’ patients are far better informed than they were in the past, and so more receptive to different ways of treating particular conditions.

So what is it she likes most about the field?  It’s two things really – it’s the intellectual side (she comes from a very, very bright family) – doing a thorough systemic diagnosis of each particular patients unique needs.  And then there’s the healing part, the helping part. The seeing the change in clients.

In terms of headaches? It’s the admin and bookkeeping side, (though fortunately her staff now takes care of this for her).

Renee’ has two sons, 13 and 10 years of age, and when not at the shop or studying, enjoys mountain biking with them.

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